that is bleak

monday morning
whispers in your
feel it down your 
prickling skin
dry tongue 
only the poets 
prod the day with the whites 
of their eyes
(unstained, cherry red)
the rest mutter
and settle back into the gloom


Charlie said...

wow this one is awesome i like how it's like "hey life sucks" but then it's like "if you want to be cool just suck it up and live" but it's hard when your body has no energy sometimes

sweet sweet heartkiller said...

ya my point in this one was that some people don't even notice the world around them, they just complain and go on with their shit, or "settle into the gloom" whereas poets and thinkers get something out of it at least. i know i get something out of it... poems :D

Dan said...

This one really makes me realize something. I usually am one of those gloomy people on Mondays. I am not a poet (so hard, lol) but I am a thinker. Later I find out I did get something out of it, but that's a while after. I should spend more time in the present, I guess.