maybe they'll leave you alone

teenagers scare the shit outta me, cause every day i see a new one crawl down the ladder and into some deep- but surely profound- darkness.
their hands don't shake from sympathy, they don't even smirk in apathy it's a pale unhappy scent, like a prostitute who reads Nietzche but can't understand.
yeah that's the kind of scalding breath of ecstasy i watch for, a crumpled body reading about why everything is equal to nothing, living dead by my front door, 
washed out faces, dirty places, no one needs anything from you anymore.


Charlie said...

this reminds me of a fairytale i thought up to explain stuff: the Great Spirit was lonely so it was like "Hey, I wanna make some friends." But the Great Spirit's parents were all like "That's fine but you have to return them when you're done playing with them." And that explains life and death, as well as existence in itself. Nothing is permanent. The only permanence we have is the repetition of the cycle. It's like waves in an ocean - just rising and falling.

Dan said...

As I read the first half of the first line I instantly thought of the song "teenagers" by My Chemical Romance, lol. Yeah, teenagers are weird. It seems like teenagers are lost in a world of confusion. You have to get lost before you can find yourself though. I can proudly say that I understand everything is nothing very well.